Hayes (Kent) History

Moysey, Frederick
20 February 1781 – June 1863

Frederick Moysey was the son of Abel Moysey and called to the bar on 22 November 1808. His sister, Charlotte Moysey of Pickhurst Mead, who died in 1846, left him £5000 in her will,  Although she left her house to her nephew Henry Gorges Moysey, it was agreed that Frederick would live at Pickhurst Mead with his wife Laura. He moved from West Wickham and appears on the Hayes churchwardens’ rates from 1848 until 1863.

He was very interested in education, an active supporter of the Anglican National Society and immediately became involved in the administration of the village school. He was a trustee from 1849, treasurer in 1851 and by 1860 was chairman of the governors.  His sister Charlotte had left a legacy of £50 to the school. Frederick found it extremely difficult to understand the view of the Rector of Hayes, Revd Thomas John Hussey, who was very hesitant to provide him with the relevant information to apply for grants to help with plans for a proposed extension. The Rector did not like any interference in the running of the Church School which he had managed for the previous 18 years. He refused to have anything more to do with the school and fell out with Frederick who wrote to the Rector on 15 August 1849: I observe your desire that your communication may be final and I much regret to have to acknowledge such an answer on your part to my colleagues, the Governors of the School.’ However, largely through the support of the Moysey and Fraser families two new school rooms were added at the rear of the school in 1850.

Frederick was a firm supporter of the Established Church and whilst in West Wickham had been churchwarden in 1844 when the Church tower of St John the Baptist was restored. As soon as Revd Hussey was replaced by Revd George Varenne Reed in 1854 plans were made to enlarge Hayes Church. Frederick Moysey was one of the local landowners on the committee set up to agree the extension and to commission the architect George Gilbert Scott to design the North Aisle. He donated £100 to the project and in spite of the Rural Dean’s reservations sufficient  funds were raised for its completion in 1856.

When the church was enlarged again in 1878 the first stained glass window to be installed in the south aisle was in memory of him, his sister Charlotte and his wife Laura née Bowles.

Laura was eight years younger than Frederick but suffered from increasing health problems in the early 1850s both with her breathing and sight.  They employed six resident servants to help them and were also assisted by Laura’s niece, Anne Sturges Bourne, who was a frequent visitor and sometimes stayed for several months. Laura died 20 May 1854 and was buried near the ancient yew tree in Hayes churchyard, close to the grave of Abel and Charlotte Moysey.

Anne was very worried about whether Frederick could look after himself but she knew he liked solitude and meditation. He was a deep reader, keen on his garden and his charity work. His particular hobby was talking military tactics and strategy and he enjoyed using his model soldiers to re-enact the Peninsular War battles with his friends and family. 

Anne and his nephew Henry frequently visited him and after one visit when he was over 80 years old Anne wrote ‘if he had become a little more odd or forgets to eat his lunch it is no great matter at his age’.  Letters from Frederick, (Uncle Fred), in 1861-2 discussed letting Pickhurst Mead and going to live at Testwood, Hampshire with Anne but he died in Hayes in June 1863.  He was interred with his wife Laura in Hayes churchyard.