Hayes (Kent) History

The exhibition in 2014 showed the impact of the events of the First and Second World Wars on the lives of those who lived in Hayes and on Hayes itself. It remembered those from Hayes who died or were wounded.
Highlights included:

  • Community Poppy Quilt produced by Hayes School
  • First World War Trail around Hayes
  • Displays by local schools
  • The opportunity to handle artefacts from both wars
  • Relics from the battlefield, medals and ration books etc.
  • Letters and postcards sent home by soldiers
  • Models of Hayes in 1914 and in 1938
  • Models of Hayes Place and of Hayes Church

Field of Poppies Peace Quilt

The Community Poppy Quilt provided an impressive focal point for the displays. Hayes School asked for individual poppy squares to be created by local individuals, community groups and from their Etwinning schools in Belgium (BerkenBoom Humanoria Bovenbouw, Sint Niklaas, Ypern), France (LP Henri Leroy, Port-Saint-Louis du Rhone), Germany (Kaufmannische Schule Aalen, Aalen, Baden Wurttemberg) and Italy (IIS ‘Cattaneo’, Monselice, Padua).

Photographs from the exhibition

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